Zukuka Bora Coffee Company

The problem

The coffee supply chain presents significant challenges, especially for the industry’s 25 million smallholder farmers. Lack of transparency and traceability often leads to exploitative practices. Smallholder farmers typically receive payments that are well below the cost of production, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and economic disparity. This is exacerbated by the numerous intermediaries who capture most of the value added to coffee after it leaves the farm, leaving farmers with the smallest portion. 

Moreover, smallholder farmers face significant challenges due to outdated and labour-intensive farming methods, limited access to modern agricultural technology, and the adverse impacts of climate change. These factors reduce crop yields and quality, making it difficult for farmers to compete in the global market. The power imbalance within the supply chain further compounds these issues, as large coffee companies often prioritise low prices over ethical practices, leading to continued exploitation of farmers.

our solution

Zukuka Bora Coffee works directly alongside coffee farmers on Mt Elgon, Uganda. Together, they cultivate and produce top-quality Arabica coffee for the specialty market around the world. 

By connecting smallholder coffee farmers with international buyers who are prepared to pay better prices, Zukuka Bora has seen remarkable success. Their eighth season has been the most successful yet, producing 60 tons of green coffee and exporting to the UK, USA, Korea, and Australia.

The recent season provided better prices and bonuses to over a 1200 farming families and created meaningful employment for more than 150 individuals. Beyond coffee production, Zukuka Bora is supporting farming communities by investing in horticultural training, seedling cultivation, soil health, water projects and much more. 

As a foundational and ongoing partner, The Cup That Counts has donated over $262,000 towards infrastructure, equipment, and training to ensure Zukuka Bora continues to expand their impact and contributes to the economic development of the Mt. Elgon region.


Tanti Park